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10GB bandwidth

1,000 CMS items

10,000 visitors

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BASIC plan


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Free plan

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10GB bandwidth

1,000 CMS items

10,000 visitors


Pro plan


Billed yearly

Free plan

Password protect

10GB bandwidth

1,000 CMS items

10,000 visitors


How students learned from our courses

See what people have learned and built by taking courses from Design+Code.

Emily Nelson

Mobile Developer

Your courses were extremely helpful for me because, I also started off as a pixel-pusher and I liked to make things look pretty without thinking too much of how design really functions. Your couse about design has really helped me to fine-tune my skills in design!

Fabio Sasso

Founder of ABDZ

My first iOS app is available on the AppStore. I literally didn’t know anything about SwiftUI (still not much) and in probably 4 weeks was able to recreate my android app for iOS. Highly recommend MengTo videos!

Kenny Chen

UX Designer at Google

I found and bought Design+Code by Meng To which takes you through each step of the process from design to code to app store submission.

Make Stanley

Designer at Blush

Meng To's book totally changed my design workflow. It even inspired me to start design workshops and YouTube tutorials.


How are paid plans billed?

Paid plans are billed both at a Site and Team level. Both subscriptions are always linked to the email of the purchaser. In order to get extra features and faster loading time to your site, you can acquire any of our site plans. In the moment of purchasing the first site plan within a team, a Team account will be added automatically so editors will be charged at a team level.

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